Video Gallery

These are some short exaples of my work as a producer, videographer, director and editor.

For performance reasons, some clips are linked to YouTube.

Please switch your YouTube settings to 4K when you view the clips


Photo Animation

Bringing old pictures to life with Adobe Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere Pro

Venice Beach Boardwalk 

Extreme shallow depth of field to make people in the background unrecognizable in a public environment.

Restaurant Scene Intro & BTS

Extreme shallow depth of field with Rack Focusing

Fashion Show Intro & BTS

All the clothes and sets (including the catwalk) were custom made for this scene.

Photo Shoot Intro

Plaza de Oriente, Madrid

Using the variable ND-Filter to adjust the exposure from day to night.

Széchenyi Chain Bridge, Budapest

Magic Fountain of Montjuïc, Barcelona

Using the variable ND-Filter to adjust the exposure from day to night.